About sky

19.39 0 Comments

Important-not important, meaningful-meaningless, help- disturb.

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Lonely without Loneliness

22.13 0 Comments

I want quiet without loneliness.

         Loneliness is a torture. Indeed, the impact is not lasting physical injuries. However, being able to make someone feel death is the best option. "Loneliness" is derived from the word "lonely", but their relationship is not causal. Loneliness is not always as quiet and deserted also not always torture. Tan Malaka live without a lot of people sitting next to him, but he never felt lonely for a struggle. Pramoedya Ananta Toer spent most of his life in prison many lonely, but he never felt lonely for always writing.
I'm happy with the quiet, yet afraid of loneliness!!

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Keindahan: antara subyektivitas dan obyektivitas

01.57 0 Comments

Apa itu keindahan?

Semua punya persepsi masing-masing tentang keindahan. Entah subyektif, entah obyektif (kalau ada) tak ada yang salah. Berikut adalah beberapa karya foto yang (mungkin) indah secara subyektif (sudut pandang orang pertama tunggal) dan obyektif (sudut pandang orang kedua, dst).

Maknai sendiri keindahan anda.!

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The Dance Sunday Morning

21.37 0 Comments

The Dance Sunday Morning

Suatu pagi yang tak seperti pagi biasanya
Di bagian kota berslogan semangat pulau Jawa
Di sela-sela aktivitas pagi banyak orang
Dari barat, timur, selatan, dan utara
Beragam warna beragam nama
Berjalan merayap menuju satu titik
Berkumpul melebur menjadi satu


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